Malaysia Pet Passport & Import Regulations
Unless otherwise stated, the regulations below apply to domestic dogs and cats. Owners of other pets should refer to item 11.
Pet Microchip
Your pet must first be microchipped with an ISO 11784 pet microchip that is a 15 digit and non-encrypted. If your pet's microchip is not ISO 11784 compliant, you can bring your own microchip scanner.
Import Permit
Your pet must be accompanied with an Import License issued by the Director General of Veterinary Services or the Director of the State Veterinary Department. The license can be applied for online by an agent who is registered in the system or in person by a licensed agent or representative of the owner. This document is issued within a day and is valid for 30 days from issuance.
Applications for import to the States of Sabah and Sarawak should be made to the respective states.
All pet cats or dogs must be vaccinated for rabies between 30 days and 12 months prior to travel.
Vaccination certificates reflecting all the routine vaccinations administered by your veterinarian should also accompany your pet.
Rabies Titer Test
Malaysia does not require a rabies titer test (RNATT) for pets entering from any country.
Ticks & Tapeworm Treatment
Within 2 and 7 days of export from Australia, dogs and cats must have been treated with a product effective against external parasites (fleas and ticks) and also with a product effective against internal parasites (nematodes and cestodes)
Health Certificate
A USDA (or CFIA) accredited veterinarian must then complete the Veterinary Certificate for Malaysia within 7 days of import for endorsement by the USDA or CFIA if traveling from the United States or Canada. If you are not traveling from either of these countries, the Governing Authority of your country responsible for the import and export of animals should endorse the forms.
The health certificate should state that your pet has lived at its current location for six (6) months prior to export and that no cases of rabies have been reported in your country or, when being imported from Canada, that part of the country where your pets reside for the last six (6) months preceding the date of the export.
If your pet is entering Malaysia from Brunei Darussalam, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore or the United Kingdom after being born or living there for 6 months prior to import, no quarantine is required if all requirements are met. If your pet is entering Malaysia from any other country, it shall be placed in quarantine and may be vaccinated with approved anti-rabies vaccine and detained in quarantine for compulsory period of not less than seven (7) days (10 days for dogs and cats entering from Australia). Your pet will be released if found to be free of any evidence of infection. However, where deemed necessary, the quarantine period can be extended up to six (6) months based on risk assessment on a case to case basis.
Quarantine facilities for dogs and cats are available at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at Sepang, Penang International Airport, and Padang Besar (Perlis-Thai border). Those dogs and cats requiring quarantine must enter at those points. Advance quarantine reservations must be made. An agent must care for your pet while it is in quarantine.
**Additional requirements when entering Malaysia from Singapore
Your pet must be accompanied by a declaration by the owner to the effect that it is been in your possession in Singapore for not less than six months or since its birth and that the owner has no reason to believe it to be infected with rabies.
You must have a certificate from the competent veterinary officer, Primary Production (Veterinary) Department Singapore, endorsing that your pet has not been imported into Singapore during the six (6) months immediately preceding the date of the certificate except in accordance with regulation, and endorsing that no case of rabies had been reported to have occurred in Singapore during the six (6) months immediately preceding the date of the certificate.
Your pet must be examined by the Veterinary Department Singapore within the seven days immediately preceding the import and found to be free from any clinical sign of infectious or contagious diseases. Your pet must be carried by aircraft or road transport direct to the prescribed landing place or any other airport as directed by the Director General of Veterinary Services, Malaysia or the State Director.
Entering Malaysia by Air
All cats and dogs requiring quarantine must enter at at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA),l Senai International Airport in Jahore, Labuan International Airport, Labuan F.T. or Bayan Lepas International Airport in Penang. Reservations for quarantine must be made at least 2 weeks if not more in advance as quarantine facilities are oftentimes full. Pet owners will be responsible for the care of their dog or cat while in quarantine.
It is recommended that notice be given to the Animal Quarantine Officer at the landing point prior to entry.
All domestic dogs and cats must be free of evidence of disease communicable to humans when examined at the port of entry to Malaysia. If your dog or cat is not in apparent good health, further examination by a licensed veterinarian may be required at your expense.
There are no restrictions on the number of domesticated pets that you can import if that number will be permitted at the place of residency.
Puppies and Kittens
Malaysia requires that puppies and kittens are 3 months of age prior to entering the country. They should be vaccinated for rabies.
Banned Breeds
The following breeds are not permitted to enter Malaysia: American Pit Bull, Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Japanese Tosa, Akita, Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero.
There are additional requirements to bring these breeds to Malaysia: Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepard, Belgian Shepard, East European Shepard, Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier, and Perro de Presa Canario. Owners of these breeds need to make an official written application to the Director of State Veterinary Services (State DVS) in advance. Pedigree certificates must be available and the dog must not be imported for resale or other commercial reasons.
Exporting Pets from Malaysia
Pet owners must submit a Veterinary Health Certificate (VHC) application as well as all documentation required for their destination country to Veterinary Services. VS will issue an export permit. There is a fee for this service.
Other Animals
To import exotic animals or wildlife as a pet, you may also need to obtain approval from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks before applying for an import permit from the Department of Veterinary Services.
Certain birds may be imported to Malaysia with an import permit from the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services as well as a current health certificate issued by a government veterinarian stating that your bird resided in the country of origin for the past 2 months and originated from a premise under close supervision and regularly monitored by your government's Veterinary Authority for the last six months preceding export. It must also state that there were no clinical or serological evidence of velogenic Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, fowl pox, fowl cholera, pullorum disease, infectious coryza, psittacosis and ornithosis detected or reported within the area of 20 km radius surrounding the premise of origin in the last six (6) months preceding export.
Your veterinarian must state that your bird has tested negative for Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza and that they were not vaccinated against these diseases.
Your bird must have a health check within 48 hours of export and your veterinarian must state that your bird was treated with an approved anthelmintic and antibiotic and showed no signs of infectious or contagious diseases.
Birds entering Malaysia must fly or be transported by sea directly without intermediate layovers.
Rabbits from any country may enter Malaysia with an import permit from the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services as well as a current health certificate stating that your rabbit is free from myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease and has not been exposed to these diseases, has been kept in isolation from other animals for 60 days prior to export, and is free of external and internal parasites.
Invertebrates, tropical fish, reptiles, amphibia, mammals such as rodents are not subject to requirements of rabies vaccination, but may have to meet other requirements and should have a health certificate to enter Malaysia. Pet owners are strongly advised to seek further information from the relevant authority of their country and/or that of the country of destination.
If your pet is not a dog, cat or ferret, and especially if it is a turtle or parrot, you should verify that it is not protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). You will need to apply for additional permits if this is the case. Over 180 countries participate and enforce CITES regulations.
Need More Advice?
To the best of our ability, we ensure that recommendations given on reflect the current regulations. We cannot predict how a given country may enforce these regulations. Noncompliance may result in the need to make arrangements to put your pet into quarantine at your expense, return your pet to the country of origin, or euthanize your pet. We suggest that you minimize the disruptions that may occur by following the rules of the country you are visiting.
Further detail on import permits, costs, tests and procedures are available at minimal cost at We also stock all the equipment and accessories you will need for traveling with your pet. Same day shipping Monday through Friday until 4:00 PM EST.
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