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Pet Friendly Hotels - Search for world for hotels that will welcome you and your pet.

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Search our FREE database of pet friendly hotels

Search for hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, and restaurants where your pet will be welcome. Over 80% of our pet friendly hotels can be booked online with an instant confirmation.

We have pet sitters, veterinarians, pet groomers, pet transporters or just about any type of pet business. These businesses all love to see traveling pet owners like yourself.

Search Pet Travel Information by Destination

If you know the city you wish to visit or search by State/Province for a broader search. When searching for a city in a country other than the USA, enter the name of that Country. For a broader search in other countries leave the city name blank and just search by State/Province.

Search Pet Travel Information by Region

To help you find popular vacation areas we have created regions both in the US and in other countries. For instance you can search for pet friendly accommodations in California Wine Country or the Catskills. Just leave out the city and state and search the region. The region search only finds pet friendly hotels. Suggest a new region here