The Christmas and year-end holidays are one of the busiest seasons for travel, and it is the perfect time to take your pet along with you. Whether you are off on a ski vacation in Italy, visiting family or perhaps enjoying the magical feeling of a Swiss village at Christmas time, having your best friend along will make your trip more memorable and enjoyable.
Any good vacation merits planning. Get airline reservations early as the airlines limit the number of pets per flight. Hotels can limit the number of pet rooms they have available. Don’t wait until the last minute.
Of course, you have gotten your pet’s carrier or crate and have acclimated it to its “travel home.” And you have checked airline routes to an exciting location finding direct routes to keep stress down for your family including your best furry friend well in advance before the holiday rush.
Pet Identification – Keep Your Pet Safe
Be sure to consider your pet’s identification before you leave. Should your pet be separated from you, it is crucial that your pet be identified. More than 80% of unidentified pets who are lost are never reunited with their owners. That is a scary number and should be taken seriously.
So, what can you do to protect your pet? Use pet ID tags with your cell phone number are great since there will not be anyone at home to answer the phone. If you are going to be spending a couple of weeks in one place, consider buying a second Pet ID tag with the contact information on where you will be staying.
You should really consider the added safety of a pet microchip. If your pet is separated from you, a shelter or a veterinarian can read the chip, and they can then track you down through a worldwide database.
Plan Ahead
Any good vacation merits planning. Get airline reservations early as the airlines limit the number of pets per flight. Hotels can limit the number of pet rooms they have available. Don’t wait until the last minute.
Pet crates or pet carriers are a great way to keep your pet safe when traveling in the car. Unless a pet is confined or harnessed, its behavior can cause great distraction to the driver of the vehicle. As much as we all like our smaller pet in our lap, it is detrimental to the safety of the pet, the driver, and the passengers riding in the car. Crate your pet or use a pet harness.
If you are flying, a good pet crate or pet carrier is a must. This is your pet’s safe place; where they feel secure. Get the carrier or crate early and make it secure and safe for your pet.
Tips for Booking Airline Tickets
Try to fly mid-week before the rush begins. Baggage handlers are not as busy as they are on weekends. Know that airlines will have holiday dates when they do not fly pets due to demands on luggage. Make sure your airline does not have an embargo on live animals in the cargo hold due to demand for luggage. Alaska Airlines is an example of an airline that imposes embargoes during the holidays.
Related: Tips on routing your pet’s flight
Don’t Ever Leave Your Pet Alone!
In hot climates, temperatures in an automobile can climb very quickly even when the windows are slightly open. No matter where you are when you travel, when you leave, your pet will react by trying to find you. Should they escape from their tethers, they will be at great risk.
Bring Food and Water
If you are traveling by car, be prepared by having a supply of water in portable pet water food bowls. You may not find the brand of pet food that your pet is accustomed to where you are going, so bring extra food with you.
Know Your Hotel’s Pet Policy
Call your hotel and ask them about their hotel pet policies. Avoid surprises when you arrive. A great majority of pet friendly hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts that accept pets, but they do not always accept all types and sizes. It is important to make your reservations in advance.
Know Your Airline’s Pet Policy
Traveling by air can be stressful for both you and your pet. Know your airline’s pet policy so there will be no surprises at the airport that could ruin your vacation.
Related: Information on flying a pet
Learn About Your Destination
Research pet services in your destination. Find the nearest veterinarian, dog park and pet friendly restaurants near your destination. International destinations require special veterinary health medical certificates. When traveling to most countries, there will be no quarantine of your pet, but you must have the proper forms. Advance planning pays off when you arrive at your destination.
Related: Will my pet be quarantined?
Keep it Normal
When traveling, keep your pet on their normal schedule by feeding them and taking them for their walk as close to the regular time as possible. Be sure to pack a supply of plastic bags to take along on those walks.
Stay Calm
Stay away from medical tranquilizers for your pet and instead give them an all-natural pet calmer that will make them less anxious. If you have a very hyper or shy pet, your veterinarian may see a need for a sedative. In this case, you will record the administration of the medication on the Shippers Declaration sticker on your pet’s crate.
Be Considerate
Although there are many pet lovers in this world, there are some that do not feel comfortable around pets. Respect others by restraining your pet when necessary.
When you get to your destination, allow your pet to become familiar with their new surroundings. Determine the space where they can hang out and always stay in their view. For kitties, select a private place for them to do their business that will be easy to clean up like a bathroom.
So, whether your destination is Grandma’s house, a mountain cabin, or a ski resort in Switzerland, your pet can travel with you safely and comfortably if you plan.
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