Air France Pet Policy

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When transporting a pet by a commercial airline, it is extremely important to understand their pet policy. These policies vary between airlines. Some allow small pets to fly in the cabin and others don’t. It is important to know the answers to all your questions before making your decision to fly your pet on any commercial airline. Does Air France allow pets? How much does it cost to fly a dog or cat on Air France? What documents will I need? What are the carrier or crate requirements for Air France? All your answers related to Air France pet policy are answered below.

Note: It is important to mention that the pet policy of the airline that operates your pet’s route will preside over the policy of the airline that owns the route. This is important to note because if the operating airline changes during your trip, then you will likely need to claim and recheck your pet on the next airline. This will cause you to clear customs and enter the layover country. You will need time and extra documentation to accommodate this process during the layover unless flying domestically.

Classes of service offered to pets by commercial airlines

  • In-Cabin: Pets traveling in the cabin must fly with an adult passenger and travel in an airline compliant
    carrier stowed under the seat.
  • Checked Baggage: Pets traveling with a passenger that are not permitted in the cabin due to size or breed can be transported as checked baggage in the cargo hold.
  • Air Cargo: Unaccompanied, very large pets or pets flying to countries that require that pets enter under air cargo will travel as manifest cargo in the hold.

Can my pet fly with me in the cabin? Yes (Certain Flights)
Can my pet fly with me as checked baggage? Yes
Can my pet fly as manifest cargo? Yes

Where is Air France based?

Air France is based out of Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. Most layovers within Air France’s network will occur in this airport. Air France and KLM have similar pet policies as a result of a merger in 2004 between Air France and KLM.

What countries does Air France fly to?

Air France flies to 29 domestic destinations and 201 international destinations in 94 countries including but not limited to: Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Argentina, various EU Member States, Bahrain, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guines, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guadeloupe, India, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberis, Madagascar, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Reunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint Maarten, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States*.

*Regulations for dogs flying to the United States have changed. Find new regulations to import a dog to the United States here.

Special Requirements Imposed by Air France

All live animals flying with Air France in the cabin or as checked baggage with layovers on their itineraries must be claimed and rechecked at their layover airport, even if they will be remaining on Air France for the rest of the journey. This will cause your pet to enter the layover country, and it must conform to regulations of the layover country.

Related: Pet import regulations for over 220 countries

If your dog or cat meets the requirements listed in Air France’s pet policy to travel in-cabin, it will need an airline-compliant pet carrier unless you are flying with a service dog who is trained to assist you in a task required to address a physical or medical disability.

Pets allowed on Air France in the cabin

Small cats, dogs and household birds traveling on flights within the United States (excluding Hawaii), Canada, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Pets are not permitted in First Class, Business Class or Business Elite on any international flights. There may be certain domestic flights where this restriction applies.

Pets must be clean, healthy, harmless, mannerly and not pose a threat to other passengers or flght crew.


Reservations should be made online or by contacting Aeroflot by phone after booking the ticket of the accompanying passenger and at least 48 hours in advance of travel.

Age/Weight requirements

The weight of all cats and dogs including their carrier must not exceed 17.6 pounds (8 kg).

Pet carrier requirements

Your pet’s carrier must:

  • Have adequate ventilation on at least 3 sides (domestic US) or 4 sides (international)
  • Be large enough for your pet to stand up and turn around comfortably
  • Be able to accommodate your entire pet. No part of your pet can extend out of the carrier
  • Be able to fit under the seat in front of you
  • Have a waterproof bottom and absorbent pet pad
  • Have secure fasteners (heavy duty zippers are recommended)

Maximum carrier measurements will depend on the type of airline serving the specific route. Only one carrier is accepted per adult passenger and only one pet is accepted per carrier. Hard-sided carriers are not accepted. Exit row or bulkhead seats cannot be reserved when flying with a pet.

Related: Selecting a pet carrier that is airline compliant

Forms required

Proof of all required vaccinations and documentation for the destination country must be presented at check in. All pets flying within the European Union must have an EU Pet Passport with proof of microchip and rabies vaccination available.

Route restrictions

Pets cannot fly in the cabin on flights to Dubai or Abu Dhabi. They must fly as air cargo (step 3).

Check in

You will check in at the passenger counter in the terminal as animals are not checked in at curbside. The cost will be collected at the time of check in. Your pet airline carrier will count as an excess piece of carry-on luggage.

Related: How to clear airport security with a pet


  • Domestic within France: €70
  • Within the Caribbean: €125
  • Flights within the EU or to/from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia: € 125
  • Other destinations: €200

Service dog pet policy

Service dogs do not have a weight limit when flying in the cabin. Air France will recognize dogs trained by a recognized organization affiliated with the “International Guide Dog Federation” (IGDF) are accepted. Service dogs traveling to the United Kingdom must be trained by an organization that meets all of the criteria identified by Assistance Dogs International (ADI). Air France must be notified at least 48 hours in advance and 96 hours in advance if traveling to the United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates. Contact KLM/Air France Cares. Be prepared to provide for your dog’s sanitary needs on flights longer than 8 hours.

All service dogs may fly in the cabin at no charge. They must be trained by a person or organization that specializes in service dog training to provide specific tasks for a person with a disability.

Service dogs must be suitably marked, harnessed and leashed. They must fit in the space provided at their passenger’s feet without intruding on cabin operations or other passengers. They must be clean, mannerly and not show any signs of aggression toward other passengers or the flight crew.

If flights involve the United States, Department of Transportation forms must be completed and submitted at least 48 hours prior to departure. All required documentation required for the destination country must be provided at check in. On flights lasting longer than 8 hours, pet owners must be prepared to handle their dog’s hygienic needs.

If the size of your pet is too large to fit in an airline-compliant pet carrier, or it is a pet other than a cat or dog, it will be transported as checked baggage on Air France if it is flying with an adult passenger. This section of the cargo department has the same temperature and pressure as the passenger cabin.

Live animals are checked in by reservation employees and are checked in at the airport terminal. The airline will move your pet between aircraft in their fleet during layovers if the layover is not over about 3 hours in length.

Pets allowed on Air France as checked baggage

Dogs or cats weighing more than 17 lbs. (8kg) up to a maximum weight of 165.3 lbs. (75 kg) are permitted to travel as checked baggage on Air France flights.


Dogs and cats flying as checked baggage must be checked in 2 hours in advance for domestic flights and 3 hours in advance for international flights.

Age requirements

Pets must be at least 15 weeks of age and fully vaccinated to travel as checked baggage. A maximum of 3 pets can travel with each passenger as long as the aircraft cargo space allows it.

Pet crate requirements

Wooden crates are not permitted. All crates must conform to regulations imposed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For more information, see PET CRATE REQUIREMENTS.

Route or aircraft restrictions

Pets cannot fly in the cargo hold on flights from Moscow to Paris. Pets flying to the United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates must do so as air cargo.

Forms Required

Proof of all required vaccinations and documentation for the destination country must be presented at check in. All pets flying within the European Union must have an EU Pet Passport with proof of microchip and rabies vaccination available.

Check in

You will check in at the passenger counter in the terminal as animals are not checked in at curbside. The cost will be collected at the time of check in. Your pet must be presented in an IATA-compliant per crate (see PET CRATE REQUIREMENTS).


  • Domestic within France: €100
  • Within the Caribbean: €200
  • Flights within the EU or to/from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia: €200
  • Other destinations: €400
Pet import requirements for over 220 countries worldwide

All live animals flying as air cargo travel under an airline manifest or air waybill and are tracked throughout the entire flight. The airlines are responsible for caring for your pet during layovers as well. Unlike checked baggage, pets are generally checked in and claimed at the airline’s cargo facility. This facility is located on airport grounds; however, not the terminal.

Air France has partnered with KLM and Martinair to provide cargo services to traveling pet owners. Air France strongly recommends that a licensed International Pet and Animal Transport (IPATA) agent books the transport. If you need a licensed agent to arrange your pet’s transport, send us an email at

Pets carried by Air France as air cargo

Unaccompanied cats or dogs, dogs exceeding limits for checked baggage as well as ornamental fish, horses, mammals, day-old chickens, zoo animals, cattle, hatching eggs and insects can be transported by Air France/KLM Cargo.


Reservations should be made within 14 days of travel.

Age requirements

Minimum age to meet vaccination requirements necessitate 15 weeks prior to transport.

Pet crate requirements

Wooden crates are not permitted. All crates must conform to regulations imposed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For more information, see PET CRATE REQUIREMENTS.

Route or aircraft restrictions

Pets must enter the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates as air cargo.

Forms Required

A health certificate issued within 10 days of travel, proof of rabies vaccination (dogs, cats and ferrets) and all forms required for your destination country. All pets flying within the European Union must have an EU Pet Passport with proof of microchip and rabies vaccination available.

Related: Regulations and forms required to import a pet to over 220 countries

Check in

Your pet will be checked in at the Air France cargo facility which is located on airport grounds; however, with few exceptions, not at the airport terminal. Locations will vary by airport depending on the location of the Air France Cargo office.


The cost will depend on the size/weight of your pet and its crate and the itinerary.

Get a free quote for ground or air pet transport

All pet crates must conform to regulations set by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The container must be large enough for your pet(s) to stand, turn around, and lie down. The crate must be made of fiberglass, metal, rigid plastics, weld metal mesh. Air France does not accept wooden crates.

The crate door must have a secure, spring-loaded, all-around locking system with the pins extending beyond the horizontal extrusions above and below the door. The floor must be waterproof. The crate must not have wheels attached when checking your pet. Metal hardware should be used to fasten the top and bottom halves of your pet crate together. Delta requires either metal or plastic threaded nuts and bolts to secure both halves of the crate.

Related: Is your pet’s crate IATA-compliant?

All pets should be acclimated to their crates prior to travel. This may take weeks or even months to accomplish; however it is the best thing you can do for pet before flying.

Related: Acclimating your pet to its crate or carrier

When temperatures rise above or drop under certain levels, commercial airlines will prohibit the transport of live animals in the cargo hold. These restrictions are implemented for the safety of your pet. It is important to note that the risk from high or low temperatures is not when your pet is airborne. The risks come during preflight holding, loading on the tarmac and taxiing to the take-off runway.

Pets will not be accepted as checked baggage or air cargo when actual or forecasted temperatures are above 85°F (29.4°C) or below 45°F (7.2°C) at any airport on the itinerary. Pets may be accepted at temperatures below 45°F with an acclimation certificate, however, no pet will be transported at temperatures lower than 20°F (-6.6°C).

Note that the temperature restrictions for summer travel are lower for brachycephalic (snub-nosed) pets. Cold-blooded animals are exempt from these restrictions.

Related: Why temperatures matter for pets flying in the cargo hold

Air France will no longer transport these snub-nosed breeds as checked baggage: Affenpinscher, Boston Terrier, Boxer (all breeds), Brussels griffin, Bulldogs (all breeds), Cane Corso, Lhasa Apso, spaniel breeds (Tibetan, Japanese, English, King Charles), Little Brabant, Mastiff (all breeds), Neapolitan Mastiff, Pekingese, Presa Canario, pugs (all breeds), Shih Tzu, Shar Pei, or Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Snub-nosed cats include Burmese, Exotic Shorthair, Himalayan and Persian. Breeds listed above can fly as air cargo.

These breeds can only be transported as air cargo: pedigree Staffordshire Terriers, pedigree American Staffordshire Terriers, pedigree Tosas and dogs that are similar in morphology to the Rottweiler breed (with or without pedigree), Boxer, Pekingese, or Shih Tzu dogs, as well as Persian or Birman cats.

The following mixes of these breeds will not be transported in the cabin, as checked baggage or as air cargo: Bulldogs, Pugs, Staffordshire Terriers (Pitbulls) or American Staffordshire Terriers (Pitbulls), Mastiffs and Tosas without proof of pedigree.

Another option for pet owners who do not want their pet to fly in the cargo hold is a pet-friendly private jet charter. Your pet can fly in your lap, at your feet or beside you comfortably without being confined. We can arrange flights from anywhere in the world to anywhere you need to go on your time schedule, without the crowds or commotion of a commercial airport.

Pet friendly private jet charter

Facilities are provided at both Amsterdam and Paris airports for short term kenneling and care.

Pets should not be sedated to fly on Air France. No aggressive behavior must be displayed.

For more airline pet policies, click the banner below.

Click here for more airline pet policies

Further Reading

How to keep your pet safe when flying in the cargo hold
Tips for airline pet travel
Requirements for a pet transiting a country by air
When do you need a pet transporter?
Routing your pet’s flight
Flying with a snub-nosed breed
More information on airline pet travel

To the best of our ability, we ensure that recommendations given on reflect the current regulations. We cannot predict how a given airline may enforce these regulations. Noncompliance may result in the need to deny your pet boarding privileges at the time of check in. We suggest that you minimize the disruptions that may occur by following Air France pet policy.


8 responses to “Air France Pet Policy”

  1. Karen Vucich Avatar
    Karen Vucich

    Can you please specify which aircraft in your Air France fleet, are able to accommodate dogs in the hold on international flights? I am specifically looking at non stop flights from Paris to Denver, Colorado.

    1. Susan Avatar

      Karen – first we must say that we are not Air France nor are we associated with this airline. We provide information to pet owners regarding airline pet policies. That said, Air France does have a route between CDG and DEN that is served by an Airbus 350 as of this writing. This aircraft is capable of flying live animals but know that each airline configures their aircraft when they order it. The airlines can also change their aircraft on any route for a variety of reasons. Demands on the cargo hold can also affect the carriage of live animals. For these reasons, we always recommend verifying with the airline that the aircraft that serves their specific route will accept live animals.

  2. Andrew DAVIES Avatar

    Hello! We would like to bring our beloved chihuahua from Bordeaux to London for 10 days by air. I have been researching for a few days now and am none the wiser. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!

    1. Susan Avatar

      Andrew – get your Chihuahua an EU Pet Passport and have your veterinarian enter all pertinent information in it (microchip, rabies vaccination, etc.) and you are half way there. Your Chi will need a health check within 10 days of travel and will need to fly as air cargo inbound to the UK. Your other option to avoid the air cargo requirement is to take a pet friendly ferry or ride in a vehicle on Le Shuttle out of Calais to Folkestone. Your Chi will also need a tapeworm treatment administered by your veterinarian in France between one and five days of import to the UK. This treatment is not required to return to France. All you will need to leave the UK is your pet’s EU Pet Passport and the cargo requirement does not apply for flights out of the UK unless you are flying British Airways.

  3. Andrew DAVIES Avatar

    Thank you very much indeed Susan. Fortunately, our Chihuahua already has an EU Pet Passport. By any chance can you suggest a good airline? It is a 9 hour drive from Bordeaux to Calais, plus we would have to stay overnight – both ways! We checked BA but couldn’t understand their requirements. With much appreciation. Andy

    1. Susan Avatar

      Andrew – all commercial airlines will require that your Chihuahua fly as air cargo into the UK; however, this restriction does not apply for live animals leaving the UK. That said, BA does not permit live animals to fly in the cabin or as checked baggage on any route, so Air France may be a consideration as they fly the route between CDG and LHR non-stop and should afford the opportunity to fly your Chihuahua in the cabin on the return trip. KLM and others also afford this ability; however, non-stop flights are always preferred when transporting a pet.

  4. Valeria Avatar


    Which airlines would allow a cat to travel in cabin from the UK to the US?

    Thank you

    1. Susan Avatar

      Valeria – Lufthansa, KLM and Swiss Air will fly pets in the cabin out of the United Kingdom.

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