Pets flying in cargo hold

How to Keep Your Pet Safe When Flying in the Cargo Hold

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Despite all the fears about airline pet cargo travel, millions of pets are shipped every year with relatively few incidents. Granted, any incident is serious when it comes to our pets, but many are avoidable. There are things you can do to keep your pet safe when traveling in the airline’s cargo hold.

People need to travel with a pet for many reasons: vacation, business, and relocation to name a few. Although all of us would like to be able to fly with their pet in the cabin of an airplane, this is not possible if your pet is much over 11 inches tall or 15 pounds in weight. If you are flying a long distance or traveling over water, the only option left is private jet charter or for your pet to fly commercially in the cargo hold.

Understanding the Risks

  1. Temperature Extremes: Even though airlines flying live animals are required to have them temperature controlled, cargo holds may be subject to temperature fluctuations. This is why it is important to transport your pets during the Spring and Fall when temperatures are not extreme. More information on why temperatures matter.
  2. Handling: Pets traveling in the cargo hold will be handled by airport staff. Although many airlines have training programs for handlers, the least amount of handling, the better for your pet. Booking direct flights, when available, is highly recommended when flying pets.
  3. Lack of Monitoring: Unlike pets traveling in the cabin, those in the cargo hold are not under constant supervision, making it challenging to monitor their well-being throughout the journey. Additionally, many airlines will not allow monitoring devices for pets flying in the cargo hold.

Get the Best Equipment

One of the most important things you can do to keep your pet safe when flying is to get a high-quality pet crate. IATA regulations require a sturdy pet crate with adequate ventilation, waterproof bottom, spring locked door, removable wheels, and no handles (except for smaller crates). Most airlines require a hard-sided, plastic carrier for pets traveling in the cargo hold to protect them from movement during the flight; however, many airlines will accept custom-build wooden crates.

Size your pet’s crate generously. The airline rules for pet air travel require that your pet be able to stand up without touching the ceiling of the crate and turn around in the crate easily. Do not compromise on your pet’s comfort. Give them room to stretch.

Acclimate Your Pet to its Crate

This is probably the best thing you can do to keep your pet safe and comfortable when flying in the cargo hold. Know that this will be a new experience for them, and you need to prepare them for it. The process will take time but will really make a difference in their level of stress come travel day.

Related: Steps to acclimate your pet to its crate or carrier

Choose Your Route Carefully

It is always more stressful for a pet to be handled during a layover and transferred to another plane. If possible, select an airline that offers a non-stop route to your destination. Oftentimes it is more expensive to fly direct routes, but it is absolutely the most preferred way to fly a pet.

Also, remember that airlines do not interline pets. If you are switching to another airline during stopovers, you will have to pick up and recheck your pet. This can be helpful during a long trip but be sure and give yourself plenty of time between flights to walk and hydrate your pet. Additionally, if you are on an international flight and change airlines, you must clear customs and thus meet all appropriate requirements for entry to the layover country.

Once you decide on a route, don’t wait to book your pet’s transport. Cargo holds for live animals have limited space, so it’s crucial to book early to secure a spot for your pet.

Know Your Airline’s Pet Policies

Print a copy of your airline’s pet policy and bring it with you should you have any problems at the check in desk or cargo area.

Your pet will not be stacked on top of suitcases. Airlines have special places for pets so that they will be protected from cargo and luggage. It is temperature controlled and pressurized just like the cabin.

Fly During Spring and Fall

Avoid booking airline cargo travel for your cat or dog during periods of extreme temperature. Most airlines will not transport pets to hotter locations between mid-May and mid-September or when temperatures exceed 85 degrees F. Schedule flights during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to minimize exposure to colder temperatures and mid-day during warmer temperatures.

The danger to your pet is not so much when they are in the air, it is before and during storing, loading and taxiing. This is for the safety of your pet.

Also avoid holidays and high-traffic periods. Fly mid-week when airline employees are not as busy.

Visit to Your Veterinarian

A trip to the veterinarian prior to pet air travel is a very good idea. Unhealthy or very skittish pets should not be subjected to the stress of travel. If you have to travel, leave them at home and have a pet sitter or relative care for them. Most airlines require a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian issued within 10 days of the flight. This document certifies that your pet is healthy and fit to fly. Make sure your pet is up to date on vaccinations, especially for rabies, which is required by many airlines for both domestic and international travel.

Prepare Your Pet’s Crate for Travel

Use metal hardware! More and more airlines are requiring metal hardware instead of plastic fasteners to secure both halves of the crate. We strongly suggest that you take that extra step whether your airline requires it or not.

Cable tie the door and crate corners. Adding cable ties to the door and corners of the crate will add an extra level of protection for your pet. Although spring locks are hard to get open, it has happened, and the results can be serious.

Attach a large water bowl. it is important to keep your pet hydrated when flying. If you have a larger dog, get a large pet crate bowl. Fill and freeze the night before travel for dripless hydration. If your flight is a long one, tape a plastic bag with a portion of your pet’s food on the top of the crate.

An absorbent pet pad is a must to keep your pet dry in case of an accident or nervous elimination. Also include a “used” t-shirt or other article of your clothing as your scent will confort your pet during the trip.

Tape or mark your pet’s name to the crate and indicate whether your pet is friendly, shy or aggressive. Indicate also the IATA airport code of the destination airport. Live Animal and Directional Stickers are mandatory as well as a Shipper’s Declaration where you will record when your pet was last watered and fed and any instructions as to medications administered prior to surrendering to the airlines.

Additionally, you should attach the following information to your crate in a plastic sleeve: name of pet, your name and cell phone number, any medical considerations, temperament issues (if any), and a picture of your pet. You should also include any documentation required to travel with your pet (health certificates, import permits, tests, rabies certificates, etc.). Mark the sleeve ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS – DO NOT REMOVE.

Sedating Your Pet

Tranquilizing a pet prior to airline cargo travel can be very dangerous. Many airlines will not accept a pet who has been tranquilized. It is important that a pet’s breathing is not affected during flight, and this is a common side effect with tranquilizers. Consult with your veterinarian if you feel it is unavoidable. Better to use an all-natural pet calmer if you have an overly anxious pet. Note that acclimating your pet to its crate will help with anxiety.

Travel Day

Feed your pet a light meal 4-6 hours prior to flight departure. Stay informed about weather forecasts along the travel route and at the destination to anticipate potential temperature fluctuations and plan accordingly.

Take extra time for a long walk (or run) prior to heading to the airport. The object is to tire your pet so it will be more apt to rest in its crate. Allow extra time to get to the airport so you are not rushed and do not appear stressed. Dogs and cats are very intuitive and can pick up emotions from you, so calmness is the goal. You will be checking your pet in at the ticket counter if you are flying with it and at the cargo facility if you are not traveling or your dog is very large and exceeds weight limits to fly as checked baggage.

Be Proactive!

If you are traveling with your pet, on the day of travel, tell the agent at the gate that you would like to get confirmation that your pet has been loaded in the plane if you cannot see the baggage handlers load the plane prior to boarding yourself. Inform the captain (or have the crew inform the captain) that there is a live animal in the cargo hold and to be sure to monitor the temperature and pressure at all times.


Relax and enjoy your flight: Remember that airline employees who handle your pet have been trained to do so. They are required to report all pet travel incidents in cargo to the Department of Transportation. It is to their best interest and yours to treat your pet with care and safety in mind.

Know Where to Claim Your Pet

If your pet has flown as checked baggage, you will claim it in a special area of baggage claim, usually where larger items (e.g. golf clubs) are unloaded. Your pet’s crate will not be found on the luggage carousel. If you do not see it, ask in the office where lost luggage is claimed.

If your pet has flown as air cargo, then you will need to go to the cargo facility to claim your pet. This facility is located on airport grounds but only in few cases is it located in the terminal. You will need to collect its documents and find veterinary inspectors if it has traveled internationally.

Once you are reunited with your pet, reconnect with them (hugs, hugs and more hugs), offer them water and allow them time to calm down and adjust after the flight. Get them outside of the terminal or cargo facility and take them for a walk after leashing them.

Health Check

After the flight, monitor your pet for any signs of stress, discomfort, or dehydration. If your pet shows any unusual behavior or seems unwell, contact a veterinarian immediately.

Many of the stories about incidents during pet air travel could have been prevented had the pet owner had taken the necessary precautions to keep their pets safe when flying in the cargo hold. Choose an airline with good pet-handling services, prepare an appropriate carrier, and ensure your pet meets all health and vaccination requirements. By following these steps, you can give your pet the best chance to arrive safely.

And know when you need to hire a pet transporter. Traveling is stressful enough without worrying about your pet.

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