Pet Microchip

Why is it important to microchip your pet?

  • International Travel - many countries including the European Union require an ISO compliant pet microchip
  • Pet Identification - whether you travel with your pet or not, it is important to microchip your pet and register in case of loss
  • Proof of Ownership - if for any reason your pet is lost or stolen, a microchip number will link to your contact details

There are 3 different types of microchips marketed in the United States. Only one of the three types is accepted worldwide.

The chip that is the universal standard meets ISO standards 11784/11785. It is a fifteen digit pet microchip operating at 134.2 kHz. If you are planning a trip to Europe, this is the microchip you should use. Datamars is one of the manufacturers of this tag.

Order a Datamars ISO compliant pet microchip.
Read more about a Datamars pet microchip.

The second type of chip is a 10 digit chip operating at 128.2 kHz manufactured by Avid. This chip is accepted in the US and Hawaii.

The microchip manufactured by Destron Fearing Corporation) also conforms to Annex A 2.1 of the ISO 11785 which is the temporary standard issued by the member countries of the European Union. It can be read by all scanners manufactured by Digital Angel distributed around the world. The microchip is known by several names around the world.

United States: Home Again
Australia: LifeChip
Canada: Petnet
Japan: LifeChip
New Zealand: LifeChip
South Africa: Identipet or Destron Chip
United Kingdom: Identichip or Destron Chip
European Continent: Indexel (marketed by Merial)
Nordic Countries: Indexel (marketed by Merial)

When to carry a microchip scanner

The pet microchip (transponder) contains only a number that must match all veterinary and vaccination certificates. When traveling internationally, if your pet does not have the microchip that meets ISO standards 11784 or 11785, it is advisable to carry your own scanner (microchip reader.)

More information about microchip scanners.