China Pet Import Requirements

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What is a Pet Passport?

We refer to a pet passport as a collection of documents that fulfill China pet import requirements for dogs or cats entering this country. This term is not to be confused with an official EU Pet Passport issued in the European Union for EU-resident pets. Your pet’s passport will include proof of microchip, rabies and other vaccinations, rabies titer test results, an import permit (commercial and unaccompanied pets), and an international export health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian in the origination country.

Animals Eligible for These Pet Import Requirements

These rules apply to the transport of domestic dog and cats including assistance and service animals. Unless 5th generation removed from the pedigree, wolf hybrids, Savannah and Bengal cats cannot be imported under these regulations. Owners of other types of pets (amphibia, reptiles, birds, rabbits, rodents) covered by these regulations should refer to IMPORTING OTHER PET ANIMALS TO CHINA below.

These instructions do not include import requirements for Taiwan or Hong Kong.

Related: Pet import requirements for Taiwan

Related: Pet import requirements for Hong Kong

China allows the import of only one pet per passport. The import of multiple pets will require the assistance of a licensed agent in China.

Find a Licensed Veterinarian

Before beginning any pet export procedure, owners, agents, or anyone transporting a pet should ensure that their veterinarian is licensed by the governing authority in their country that is responsible for the movement of live animals. This veterinarian should administer all vaccinations and treatments, as well as issue all required documentation.

Quarantine for Pets Entering China

There will be no quarantine imposed on your pet when entering China if pet import regulations detailed here are met and a titer test is available. If your pet does not conform to the regulations as stated below, it will be subject to quarantine at approved quarantine centers. The importer will be responsible all costs involved.

All steps required to conform to China pet import requirements must be completed in the origination country. Complete steps 1-6 in the order given.

Step 1: Country Classifications

China classifies countries as designated or non-designated.

The following countries are classified as designated:

Designated: New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Hawaii, Guam, Jamaica, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Macao.

All countries not listed as designated are classified as non-designated.

Pets from designated countries can enter China at any port with proof of microchip, rabies vaccination and health certificate. Pets from non-designated countries can enter China without quarantine at any port if all regulations listed here are followed. Pets not following these regulations will be quarantined when entering China.

Pet owners should identify the classification of their country of origin before reviewing import regulations for China.

Step 2: Pet Microchip

To enter China, your pet should first be chipped with a 15 digit, ISO 11784/11785-compliant pet microchip.
If your pet’s microchip is not ISO compliant, you can bring your own microchip scanner that can read your pet’s microchip.

A licensed veterinarian, a veterinary hospital, or a trained nurse should implant the microchip. You should receive documentation as to the manufacturer of the microchip and instructions on how to register your pet’s information in the manufacturer or government database in your country.

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Step 3: Vaccinations

All pets entering China must be vaccinated twice for rabies. A vaccination card, EU Pet Passport or rabies certificate is required for each pet, clearly displaying your pet’s current rabies vaccinations, including the vaccine’s manufacturer, batch number, and expiration. The rabies vaccination must have been administered between 30 days prior to arrival in China and not more than 12 months prior to arrival. Note that China does not recognize multi-year vaccines.

Other Vaccinations

Dogs entering China from any country should be vaccinated against the following diseases according to the origination country’s disease status: canine parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis/adenovirus, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis. Cats entering China from any country should be vaccinated against feline calicivirus, panleukopenia, feline rhinotracheitis, and feline leukemia.

It is strongly recommended that you have your dog vaccinated against Bordetella (kennel cough) at least 2 weeks prior to import, especially if it will be quarantined upon entry.

More detail on China pet import requirements

Step 4: Rabies Titer (Serology) Test

A rabies titer test measures the level of rabies antibodies in your pet’s blood. It must be administered more than 30 days after the rabies vaccination. Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization (FAVN) tests are recommended, as they are accepted by every country that requires this test.

To avoid quarantine when entering China from a non-designated country (step 1), a rabies titer test must be administered and the sample is processed at an approved lab recognized by the GACC (General Administration of Customs).

The titer test must occur on the same day as, or any day after the administration of the second rabies vaccination. The test is valid for 12 months after the blood is drawn for the test. All other requirements must be met, and your pet must pass inspection.

Pets entering from a designated country are not subject to a rabies titer test to avoid quarantine.

Step 5: Parasite Treatments

Shortly prior to travel, your dog or cat should be treated against ticks, tapeworm, nematodes, and cestodes by a licensed veterinarian. Although not required, protecting your pet from foreign parasites is strongly recommended when traveling internationally.

Step 6: Health Certificate

Every country worldwide requires an original health certificate in their pet import regulations, and China is no exception. The health certificate must clearly identify your pet, including its microchip number and species.

All cats and dogs entering China must be accompanied by a health certificate for China which must be issued by a licensed veterinarian and stamped (endorsed) by the government of the origination country responsible for the import and export of live animals.

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Step 7: Import Permit

An import permit is not required for pet owners holding a short term visa and accompanying their pet to China. A permit may be required for other types of visas.

Quarantine When Entering China

Cats and dogs from designated countries that pass inspection and have conformed to all requirements will no longer be subject to quarantine. Pets can enter China at any port, airport or border post.

Cats and dogs entering China from non-designated countries may avoid quarantine by having proof of a microchip (step 1), two rabies vaccinations (step 3), rabies titer test results (step 4) and a health certificate (step 6).

Pets entering China from non-designated countries without proof of a microchip, 2 rabies vaccinations, health certificate and results from a rabies titer test will be subject to 30 days of quarantine, and must enter China at locations where quarantine facilities are available.

  • Beijing Airport
  • Beijing West Railway Station
  • Shanghai Airports (Hongqlao, Pudong)
  • Shanghai Train Station
  • Shanghai International Passenger Transport Center
  • Urumqi Diwopu International Airport
  • Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal
  • Alashankou (land post)

Guide and rescue dogs entering China with microchips and certificates from professional training organizations are also exempted from quarantine and can enter China at any international point of entry.

Breeds Banned by China

China does not ban the import of any dog breeds, but there are breed restrictions in Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing.
Owners of large does should be aware of restrictions in the city they intend to visit or reside.

Pets banned in Beijing: Mastiff, German pinscher, St. Bernard, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Bernese mountain dog,
Rottweiler, Weimaraner, Setters, Afghan hound, Foxhound, Bloodhound, Irish wolfhound, Saluki, Greyhound,
Borzoi, Basenji, Australian shepherd, Belgian shepherd, Bouvier des Flandres, Bearded collie, Scottish shepherd,
German shepherd, Old English sheepdog, British bulldog, Chow chow, Dalmatian, Keeshond, Japanese akita, Newfoundland
Sled dog, Bedlington terrier, Bull terrier, Kerry blue terrier.

Dogs banned in Chengdu: Mastiff, Pit Bull Terriers including American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire
Bull Terriers, Akita, Dogo Argentino, German Shepherd, Chinese Chongqing, Borzoi, Newfoundland, Cane Corso, Central Asian Shepherd dog,
Great Dane, Dog de Bordeauz, Fila Brasileiro, Irish Wolfhound, Caucasian Shepherd, Kumming Wolfdog, Chinese Dog.

Dog breeds and their mixes banned in Shanghai: Tibetan Mastiff (Tibetan Mastiff), Mastiff (Mastiff), Rottweiler (Rottweiler),
Italy twisted Boli Dayton (Neopolitan Mastiff, Italian Mastiff alias Napoleon Mastiff), Bordeaux Mastiff (Dogue de Bordeaux, French Mastiff alias), Bull Mastiff (Bull Mastiff), the Spanish Mastiff (Spanish Mastiff), Caucasian dogs (Caucasian Vcharka), Pyrenean Mastiff (Pyrenean Mastiff), Brazil Rockefeller (Fila Braziliero ,
alias the Brazilian Mastiff Brazilian Mastiff), Dogo Argentina Mastiff (Argentinean Dogo Mastiff), horse mastiff (Danish Broholmer) and other Mastiff Mastiff descent, and hybridization with dogs; Beauceron Wolfdog, Kunming wolfdog, China Dog, German Shepherd Dog, English Bulldog, Old English Bulldog, American Bulldog, Japanese Tosa, Bull Terrier, Doberman.

Airline pet policies

Entering China with a Pet

Pets subject to quarantine can arrive in China in the cabin or as checked baggage or air cargo at international airports: Shanghai Hongqiao or Pudong, Beijing Capitol and Urumchi Diwabao.

Related: Is your pet’s crate IATA compliant?

Bringing a pet into China is somewhat complicated, even if you have the proper veterinary health certificate and immunization record for your pet. We recommend you utilize the services of an agent that specializes in the entry process if your budget allows it.

Foreigners may bring only one pet (cat or dog) per adult per trip to China. (two adults – 2 pets) If there are more than one pet per passenger or 2 pets total, the import is considered as commercial, and different rules apply.

Pet owners must supply proof that they also have entered China the same day or within 6 months of their pet by means of an original passport.

All domestic dogs and cats must be free of evidence of disease communicable to humans when examined at the port of entry to Austria. If your dog or cat is not in apparent good health, further examination by a licensed veterinarian may be required at importer expense.

Exporting Pets Living in China

Cats and dogs departing China must be microchipped, then vaccinated for rabies at an official animal vaccination hospital in the PRC, and must have the official “Animal Health and Immunity Certificate” (vaccination red book). The vaccination must be administered at least 30 days but not more than one year prior to international travel.

If you need to export more than one pet per person from China, then you will need the assistance of an agent.

No more than 7–10 days prior to travel, pets must be examined and obtain an Exit Health Certificate from a designated government quarantine hospital.

For pets departing from Beijing, an official vaccination certificate (Red Book) issued by a veterinarian in Beijing must be presented for the exit health examination.

Any dog that tests positive for heartworm will not be granted an exit permit to leave China.

Importing Other Pet Animals to China

Birds, invertebrates, tropical fish, reptiles, amphibia, and mammals such as rodents and rabbits are not subject to the requirements of rabies vaccination but will have to meet other requirements and must have an import permit and a health certificate to enter China. Pet owners are strongly advised to seek further information from the relevant authority of their country and/or that of the country of destination.

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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Importers should verify that their pet is not protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). This is important if your pet is not a dog or cat, and it is even more important if it is a turtle or parrot. You will need to apply for additional permits if this is the case. Over 180 countries participate in and enforce CITES regulations.

Related: Search the CITES database

Related: Learn more about CITES

Need More Detailed Pet Import Requirements and Forms for China?

Visit for step-by-step detailed instructions on regulations, permits, layovers, costs, tests and pet import regulations for China at minimal cost. Our information is current, verified and tailored to your pet’s itinerary.

Here’s what is included in the China pet passport package:

  • Detailed instructions on importing your dog, cat or ferret to China from any country available in six languages
  • Required Vaccinations and Intervals
  • ISO 11784/11785 Compliant Microchip Information
  • Rabies Titer Test Instructions
  • Approved Laboratories
  • Quarantine (when required)
  • Import Permit (when required)
  • Dog Registration
  • IATA Carrier and Crate Requirements
  • Layover Considerations & Requirements for Airline Pet Travel
  • Responsibilities of a Pet Transporter
  • FREE unlimited email support both for you and your veterinarian, should either of you have any questions

Also included at no additional cost:

  • Veterinary Health Certificate for China (US/Canada)
  • Microchip Certificate
  • Inoculation Record
  • Airline Health Certificate

Have Questions About Importing Your Pet to China?

Have a comment about importing a pet to China? Post it below and we will respond. You can also reach out by posting to our Blog, X (Twitter), Facebook, or Email or follow our activities on Instagram and TikTok.

Please note that the accuracy of comments made by Facebook users other than Pet Travel has not been verified, and we do not endorse any person or company that may offer transport services through posts to this webpage.

Current information

To the best of our ability, we ensure that recommendations given on reflect the current regulations. We cannot predict how a given country may enforce these regulations. Noncompliance may result in the need to:

  • make arrangements to put your pet into quarantine at your expense or
  • return your pet to the country of origin, or
  • euthanize your pet.

We suggest that you minimize the disruptions that may occur by following China pet import requirements.


4 responses to “China Pet Import Requirements”

  1. Tammy Avatar

    Hi I have 2 french bull dogs that needs to travel to Shanghai . What is the cost ? What is the weight requirement to take them in cabin ?

    1. Susan Avatar

      Tammy – the weight of your dogs will depend on your airline pet policies; however, the general rule is 8 kg (18 lbs) and your dogs must fit comfortably in an airline-compliant pet carrier. They must be able to stand up and turn around in the carrier. The cost of transport will depend on your airline. Most airlines charge a flat fee for in-cabin or checked baggage transport; however, some airlines charge by the miles. You can find requirements to import your dogs to Shanghai here:

  2. Mike b Avatar
    Mike b

    Is it possible to bring a guinea pig to China?

    1. Susan Avatar

      Mike – China only classifies cats and dogs as pets. We anticipate that it will be difficult to import a guinea pig to China; however, it would be best to reach out to a local agent for further information. We do not have offices in China but you can search for an agent at

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